Garfield County > County Assessor > Taxpayer Information > Senior Property Valuation
Senior Property Valuation
Senior Property Valuation Freeze
Homestead property valuation shall be frozen by the County Assessor if the following conditions exist:
The property owner must be age 65 or over as of January 1st to qualify.
The gross household income from all sources (including all persons residing in the home), except gifts, does not exceed $83,700 for 2023. The income amount is determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Garfield County.
Property must be a valid homestead property with proper evidence of a homestead or an application. The freeze applies only to the homestead property used as your primary residence and may not be applied to non-homestead property.
Apply in person in the Assessor's office between January 1st and March 15th. Applications will not be accepted after March 15th, with the exception of properties that receive a change of assessment notice. Those property owners will receive an additional 30 days from the date on the change notice to file. Bring proof of all household income with you such as W-2s, 1099s or a copy of your most recent federal income tax return.
The Senior Freeze freezes the valuation of your property; it does not freeze your taxes. Even if your property valuation stays the same, your property taxes may go up or down depending on The tax rate or millage levies for that year.
For more details download the state publication on the Senior Freeze.